United Methodist Women

United Methodist Women Purpose:

The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.


Five Rivers United Methodist Women Officers for 2023


Donna Grigsby, PO Box 661, Iola, KS 6674

703-403-8257, donna.grigsby46@gmail.com                                                                       

Class of 2026

Vice-President:  Vacant


Dorothy Miller, 23723 NW Mitchell Rd., Garnett, KS 66032

(785) 448-3007, rdmillr62@gmail.com

Class of 2023


Donna Beebe, 1995 600 St, Colony, KS 66015

(620)228-1916, dvbeb@yahoo.com

Class of 2026


Julie Ward, 701 Arkansas St, Lawrence, KS 66044

(785) 749-4605, jward@usd497.org
Class of 2024



Spiritual Growth:  Nancy Rockers, PO Box 37, Greeley, KS 66033, (785) 867-3933,

Wrock21@aol.com                                                                                           Class of 2023


Social Action:  Rogene McPherson, 12921 Faucets Rd., Centerville, KS  66014, (913) 579-6379
rkj.mcpherson65@yahoo.com                                                                       Class of 2023


Education & Interpretation:  Position Vacant                                            Class of 2026


Membership, Nuture & Outreach:  Ruth Jansen, 741 S Tremont, Ottawa, KS  66067, (785) 241-9471,

 ruthjansenZ13@gmail.com                                                                              Class of 2023


Program Resources:  Roberta Selvy, 601 W 14th St., Pleasanton, KS, (913) 352-8360,

(813) 789-8116, rlselvy@gmail.com                                                               Class of 2023


Nominations Chair:   Position Vacant                                                            Class of 2026


Nominations Committee

      Position Vacant                                                                                                    Class of 2026

      Position Vacant                                                                                                    Class of 2026

      Position Vacant                                                                                                 Class of 2026



 Remittance Form

Living Water Monthly Publication of the Five Rivers District

The Signal  Bi-Annual Publication of the Five Rivers District Women

Great Plains Conference UMW

General Board of Global Ministries